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Immature Stages of Thynnidae (Tiphiidae)


Immature stages of Thynnidae were discussed by Clausen (1940) separately from the Tiphiidae into which this group is presently placed.  He noted that very little information was available on the characters of the immature stages.  The eggs that were described are rather elongated, have the anterior end slightly broader, and are somewhat curved.  No details are available on the Afilament@ that was stated by Janvier to attach the eggs of several species of Elaphroptera to the host integument.


Clausen (1940) also mentioned that the larvae of this family were readily distinguished from those of the Scoliidae and Tiphiidae by the very faint segmentation of the body as compared with a pronounced segmentation in the other groups.  In several species of Elaphroptera described and illustrated by Janvier, the mandibles of the mature larvae are tridentate, and the spiracles occur only on the 1st 9 abdominal segments.  This spiracular arrangement is not found elsewhere in the order.  If it proves to be general for the family, it will serve as a ready means of distinguishing the larvae from those of the above-mentioned two families which have the same host preferences.


The cocoons are similar to those of Scoliidae, and the posterior end is not so pointed as in the Tiphiidae.  The cocoon wall is composed of many closely oppressed layers of silk, and a varying amount of loosely woven strands may fill the space between the cocoon and the cell wall.  At emergence, a circular cap is cut away at the anterior end.


References:   Please refer to  <biology.ref.htm>


[Additional references may be found at:  MELVYL Library]